6 Best Keyword Research Tools for Hindi Marketers

Do you know about Best Free Keyword Research Tools. Such tools that make the work of every blogger easy. If you already know about the tools that I am going to tell you, then that is a very good thing and if you do not know, then there is no need to worry because today you people are going to know about the best free tools for keyword research. I am going to give complete information.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is an important part of SEO marketing. Basically, SEO is a technique used by websites and web applications to earn more visitor's and customers' share of the market by providing better information on the target audience. There are several methods for keyword research and writing useful and usable articles. If you want to boost your traffic, then it is important to know the type of keyword for your website or blog. If you want to get a better reach, then the value of your keyword should be bigger.

There are many different ways of keyword research. It can be done by surveys, public records, online reviews, social networks, forums, and others.

What is the Best Free Keyword Research Tool?

What is best about them? That is what I want to know.

Here are few tools that are very beneficial for bloggers like me:

Just start searching in Google, Bing and Yahoo, and choose from the wide range of tools.

This is the first online search engine. In this, you can get all the most popular websites of the world.

Open Search provides a perfect list of free and paid keyword research tools.

For paid tools, click on the price; free tools will provide the list of best free keyword research tools.

Types of online research tools:

There are many ways to look for the relevant keywords in the right place. One of the ways is to apply the PPC techniques. There are several types of PPC tools available in the market. These tools are used to get extra revenue.

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The 6 best keyword research tools for Hindi marketers


ConvertWP is a free SEO tool from SozleLounge.com. They sell this tool for free on their website. You just have to sign-up and they will provide you a website that you can use for your keyword research. And if you want to write about Hindi, then that is even better because you can use the tools that you can purchase from them.

ConvertWP Keywords

Magic Page SEO

Magic Page SEO is free keyword research tool and is known for its power. It makes SEO work for all bloggers, marketers, SEO experts. It helps them in keyword research. This tool has no monthly charge and is available to use without having any signup. This tool has more than 900,000 installs and was created by Digital Content Digital.

Magic Page SEO


MiraKeyword is another keyword research tool.

The 6 best free keyword research tools for Hindi marketers

Best Free Keyword Research Tools:

1. HtSomethin

HtSomethin is an amazing tool for keyword research. There are two features of this tool. It has a great keyword tool. What that means is that every time you are doing keyword research, you can make sure that what you are doing will yield good results.

Secondly, it gives you a powerful free social media tool. What that means is that what you are going to be doing is comparing your English website with your Hindi website. If the two are similar, then it will suggest the relevant content.

It will also suggest relevant content for each of the pages. Thus, this tool becomes extremely powerful because now you can compare the two.

What’s more? Unlike the many other tools that can’t be used on the web, this tool can be used on the mobile.

Pro's and Con's of the 6 best free keyword research tools for Hindi marketers

The first one is Swagbucks Keyword Discovery Tool. This tool not only helps you in keyword research but also in finding good websites for your blog content. But this tool also has a hidden cost for you. The cost of this tool is 5 bucks per month.

Google Keyword Research Tool is another tool that you can use to research for great websites to create your content. The SEO Expert in me likes this tool because it gives suggestions to you instantly but it also has a hidden cost of Rs. 1,876. This tool might be a best one for Indian business persons to know about the best sites to visit.

Great Content Query Tool is a tool that you can use to find out the good websites to visit for your content. Just enter your content here and wait for 2 days to get results.


These are the best free keyword research tools for Hindi marketer that you can make use of. If you have any query regarding this topic, then please feel free to write in the comment section.