49 ways to get more traffic


All of us try to get more traffic to our sites.But mostly spend time on advertising, branding, buying things etc.Leaving all that here are the 49 ways to get more traffic to your site/blog.

Be topical

Submit your site to social media such as digg, delicious etc.

Join facebook and make as many as friends and discuss about your blog with them

Be the first unique publisher on your site/blog

Break news

Post regularly

Don’t write lengthy posts, instead write short posts with useful tips.

Include polls

Encourage your readers to subscribe to your feed

Make your RSS subscribe button

Make RSS button noticeable

Use top commentators plugin

Be original

Be controversial

Become top commentator on high PR blogs

Write about Social media in your blog

Post in your niche

Use images in your posts

Choose a Best Template.

Answer your email.

Reply to your comments

Add digg button so that readers could digg your story.

Highlight your best posts on squidoo lens

Create e-books and distribute it for free

Write about making money

Share your knowledge

Do guest posts

Submit your posts to article directories

Use technorati

Use Mybloglog widget

Submit blog/site to directories

Encourage readers to digg your posts

Make your blog as unique as possible

Make your SEO as good as possible

Submit themes with your link on it

Create and add sitemaps

Ping your blog everytime after you update

Redirect your 404 error page

Post your photos on flickr

Use correct grammar

Write eye catching post titles

Publish video posts on youtube and other sites

Admit your faults

Be honest

Write about blogging

Write about stuff that people want to read

Add Language translation widget

Never give up

Last but not least “Be Patient”

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